back to life

 It seems as well as the broken SD card  the Ras Pi B+ had conked, and it wouldn't boot. I'm not sure but think there might be a duff diode somewhere... I'll poke about with a multimeter when I have some time.

So the end result is that the Pi ZeroW is back in the game, I'm sure it'll be fine, I just won't throw any tricky ML stuff at it... although I've had some success working with Tensorflow Lite on arduinos, which have a lot less grunt.


ALl wired up again, and now sporting some logic level adjusters, as these Pi things are 3.3v and most of the things I'm going to stick on them are 5v. The featherwing should be ok as it's I2C buffers the signal.. I think?

Back to work this morning, so I've stuffed the batteries on charge and am knee deep in email. 
