On a whim I hooked up one of the old Arduino Pro micros that I had left over from making RFID card readers, to the keyboard of my childhood Vic20, and turned it into a usb keyboard. The pro micro and leonardo make great little input devices. It was all tape and dupont pins, totally non destructive.
Then I wondered if I could use it as a case for one of NVidia Jetson Nano's, and you know what it fits really well. The poor old VIC was having issues with one of the 6522s which run the keyboard anyway, and try as I might I couldn't remove it.
So I popped the motherboard out, stuck some double sided velcro down, and cable tied stuff in place.
The old RED power LED had died so I soldered a new one in.
I printed a side plate to mount the power in and HDMI port.
Job done.
I'm now looking at the Vic20 board and wondering if I can do something else with it... or It might end up framed on the wall.
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