two steps forward one step back

 I cut a bit of lexan for the bottom of the shedbot,  and then spent half an hours picking the protective plastic off it... it was so old it'd stuck to the sheet.

Drilled and fitted, then the postie arrived with a neat little GPIO shield from PiHut

I labelled up the wires so they didn't get messed up when I trimmed them down, 

connected everything together .. and 


not booting...

and then I noticed the micro sd card was a bit brittle.

I swapped out the card, and it booted, but booted to some version of lubuntu... which I'm sure I had set up for something, some time. So after scratching around for a spare SD card I'm now downloading a fresh rasbian install.

Then I've got to remember what I installed on the thing, nothing much I think.
